January 09, 2006

Marriage-Arranged or Love!!!

Well My first topic of the year and i could not get any other better one than this....and these are all assumptions and may not be correct!!

According to Hinduism, marriage between two souls is a very sacred affair that stretches beyond one life time and may continue up to at least seven lives. A husband and wife chose to come together more due to spiritual reasons than sexual, though they may not be mentally aware of the reasons for their decision to come together.

Phew!! Enough of definitions but the way i perceive marriages in our traditions is its not only between 2 individuals but it makes 2 unknown families,extended families join together.

Now coming to the topic of interest whether it should be arranged or love is really up to individual who makes that choice as both has its own advantage and dis advantages.

But just aping/mimicking the western culture and saying that love marriage is all right is not totally correct otherwise just give a thought of how our parents married (arrange amrriage)for 30 or 40 years are able to live together,isn't it amazing? and on contrary it may be true that our parents are forced to the maxim of adjusting to each other rather not given free independance to each other which we may not like but ...

What could be a ideal situation according to me is strt loving after having an arranged marriage and i know that's what our elders do would be just rocking and i just cannot comment anything more as iam not married and these are all my assumptions and common sense.

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